Announcement: Egypt to host the Second Arab Land Conference in February 2021

Second Arab Land Conference 22, 23 and 24 February 2021 Cairo, Egypt

The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt is pleased to announce the Second Arab Land Conference to be organized under the patronage of the Egyptian Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities. The Conference will be organized by the Housing and Building National Research Centre represented by the Urban Training and Studies Institute (UTI) in partnership with UN-Habitat, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), the World Bank, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and the Dubai Land Department. The Conference will allow both in-person and virtual attendance and will take place on the 22, 23 and 24th February 2021 in Cairo, Egypt. The Conference marks an important milestone in the roadmap towards establishing good land governance in the Arab region. The Conference will promote good land management and land administration by focusing on the priorities of the Arab Land Initiative: promote collaboration and coordination; develop and share knowledge; develop capacities of individuals and organizations; and support the implementation of land-related programmes and interventions. The Conference will be a platform to discuss countries experiences, present new research, foster high level support and ownership to tackle land governance, and to empower and develop the capacities of the land stakeholders from the region. Experts and practitioners will have the opportunity to submit and present papers relevant to the eight topics of the conference:
  1. Land management and administration
  2. Modernization and reform of land and property registration
  3. Flexibility and adaptation of land management in time of crisis (climate change, epidemics, conflict)
  4. Access to land for women and vulnerable groups
  5. Efficient land use
  6. Technologies and smart solutions to enhance land management, land development and construction
  7. Policies to encourage the participation of private sector in land use planning and land management
  8. Capacity development
Partners will have the opportunity to organize side events and special sessions at the margins of the Conference. The process of submitting papers to be presented at the conference and requesting side events and special sessions will be announced before the end of September on the Arab Land Initiative web site. To provide a full conference experience while fully respecting the COVID-19 guidelines, the event will allow a combination of onsite and remote participation for panelists, presenter and other participants to high level sessions and technical sessions. An online platform to register for the conference will be set up in the next week and registrations will be open by the end of October. In-person participants will be expected to make their own visa, travel and accommodation arrangements, unless agreed otherwise with the organizers. A logistic note to guide participants is being prepared. For further information on the Second Arab Land Conference visit the Arab Land Initiative website or contact We look forward to partnering with all of you for a successful and inclusive Second Arab Land Conference! See more information about the Second Arab Land Conference.