Arab states change agents to meet on land and tenure security options

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) partners, UN-Habitat, the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) and the University of East London (UEL) are set to hold a learning event on land and tenure security in the Muslim World in Cairo, Egypt between 27-30 May 2013. The event will bring 25 change agents drawn different background, organisations and countries in the Arab states to develop their capacity on Islamic principles of land and property rights. Participants can look forward to sharing their knowledge and stimulate a debate on good land practices in the Muslim world and identify ways to make existing practices more inclusive of the poor, women and the youth, at scale will be factored in. Learning materials developed by GLTN partners, which include modules on Islamic land framework, law and methodologies; Islamic human rights and land tenures; inheritance laws and systems; women access to land and property; micro-finance among others, will form part of the resources at the meeting. GLTN technical experts will also be at hand to recount their experience on how to develop a pro poor land policy in order to identify opportunities for contextualisation. At the end of the at the four-day capacity building event, GLTN will be looking to identify champions- both individuals and institutions- who are able and interested in bringing forward the pro-poor, gender responsive land reform agenda in the Arab region. In addition to the training, the Arabic version of the book 'Land Law and Islam' by Siraj Sait and Hilary Lim and a competition on good land practices in the Muslim World will be launched on Wednesday, 29th May.