Call for Applications: e-Learning course on Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition

Important dates:

  • Call for applications - deadline - 1 April, Sunday 23:50 CET

  • Selection of applicants - deadline - 3 April, Wednesday

  • Course runs between 9 April - 4 May 2018

  • Successful applicants will be notified by email by 4th April, Thursday

This free e-Learning course aims to strengthen the capacity of data producers and data consumers to manage and use open data in agriculture and nutrition. One of the main objectives is for the course to be used widely within agricultural and nutrition knowledge networks, in different institutions.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles and benefits of open data
  • Understand ethics and responsible use of data
  • Identify the steps to advocate for open data policies
  • Understand how and where to find open data
  • Apply techniques to data analysis and visualisation
  • Recognise the necessary steps to set up an open data repository
  • Define the FAIR data principles
  • Understand the basics of copyright and database rights
  • Apply open licenses to data

The course is open to infomediaries (including ICT workers, technologist-journalists, communication officers, librarians and extensionists), policy makers, administrators, project managers, researchers and scientists working in the area of agriculture, nutrition, weather and climate, and land data.

The programme is provided in English and lasts for four weeks. Participants are expected to spend eight hours weekly on average to complete lessons and engage in activities such discussion forums and webinars. Please note that by applying for the course, applicants declare that their supervisor/manager/the person to whom they report at their workplace approves their participation in this online course, and allows participant to dedicate about 32 hours in total during the for weeks of the course.

The course is free of charge.

Please click here for more information about the course and please apply by clicking here and completing the online registration form by 1 April, Sunday 23:59 CET.