Call for Papers, Posters and MasterClass for the 20th Annual Conference on Land and Poverty

Theme: Catalyzing Innovation 

The World Bank is pleased to invite abstract submissions for the 20th Annual Conference on Land and Poverty to be held from March 25 – 29, 2019 at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, DC, USA.. Conference registration is also open.
Conference structure
  • March 25: Pre-conference plenary on new data, analytical methods and piloting and Official Conference opening
  • March 26-28: Conference: Parallel thematic tracks with oral paper presentations and policy round tables
  • March 26-28: Poster sessions
  • March 29: Learning day: MasterClasses and field visits
  • March 25-29: Exhibition booths in Atrium (If interested to in exhibition booth or in sponsoring the conference, please contact conference organizers on availability and conditions)
Land Conference priority themes for oral presentations and posters
  1. Economic research and impact evaluation
  2. Land policy and political economy
  3. Land markets and structural transformation
  4. Land and human rights, gender, indigenous peoples
  5. Commons and natural resource management
  6. Large scale land acquisition: Agriculture, extractives, infrastructure
  7. Urban expansion, land use, land value capture, and housing
  8. Use of remote sensing and land use policy
  9. Data integration & interoperability for public service provision
  10. Institutional innovation and private sector participation,
  11. New ways of land data capture & analysis (incl. machine learning)
  12. Global frameworks; land indicators; progress monitoring, LGAF
Submission instructions for paper abstract
  • Please submit abstract for oral presentation of an individual paper, poster, or MasterClass by October 12, 2018 via Conftool (Please view guidelines on how to create a new user account, submit an abstract for an individual paper and submit an abstract for a poster)
  • Abstracts should be between 800 and 1,500 words, anonymous, written in American English, and submitted online in Word format. Abstracts less than 800 words will not be reviewed.
    • Abstract selection for presentation is through a double-blind peer-review process. Criteria are (i) relevance to conference thematic tracks and overall theme; (ii) evidence-based and methodological appropriateness; (iii) innovative and new; (iv) significance of findings for policy, implementation or research agenda; and (v) clarity of presentation.
    • Abstract acceptance for oral presentation, poster and masterclass will be communicated by December 3, 2018.
    • Due to space limitation, registered participants will be assigned max. one slot for oral presentation (for accepted abstracts only). If an additional abstract was accepted, it will be included in the poster presentations.
    • Kindly note that inclusion of an accepted presentation in the final conference program is conditional on timely conference registration and uploading of full paper
Deadline conference registration: February 1, 2019  Deadline submission full papers, posters and MasterClasses: February 15, 2019