Call for Participation: Training on land governance, women empowerment and socioeconomic development (Erbil, Iraq)

25-26 October 2021, Erbil (Iraq) Deadline for applications: EXTENDED TO 19th September 2021 Equal access to land and land-related resources are key determinants of socio-economic empowerment and has profound implications on women’s ability to enjoy civil and political rights, social and economic rights, as well as to escape poverty and social exclusion. In the Arab region, women suffer widespread gender-based discrimination in land and property laws, exacerbated by customs and practices which cause severe inequalities in their ability to access, control, own and use land and limit their participation in decision-making at all levels of land governance. As part of an agreement of cooperation with UN-Habitat/GLTN dealing with “Land, Women Empowerment and Socioeconomic Development” in the Arab region, the Palestine-based Union of Agricultural Work Committees is organising a training event on 25th and 26th October in Erbil, Iraq (virtual attendance is possible). The event is part of a broader programme on land governance in the Arab region, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Building on the conclusions of an Expert Group Meeting the evidence-based linkages between access to land and socio-economic development for women in the Arab region held in February 2021, this training focusses on gender-equitable land governance that recognizes equal rights to land, and addresses the different needs and priorities of women and men. Participation For this training, UAWC aims to bring together 25-30 land and human rights actors from the Arab region. The targeted participants are:
  • Government representatives and administrators (land administration authorities, ministries of women, agriculture, legislators, …)
  • Civil society organizations, national and international NGOs (women rights agencies, monitoring agencies, human rights and grass root organization …)
  • Individuals (land researchers, academics, activists, journalists, female land owners and users) working in the land sector.
Interested participants are kindly requested to submit their Curriculum Vitae with the filled participation application below to the following email address before 9th September 2021. Download: Call for Participation: Training on land governance, women empowerment and socioeconomic development