Capacity development on Land Policy in Africa

Addis Ababa, 25 June 2012 - Land policy experts will join other land policy experts at a meeting on Capacity Development for Land Policy in Africa this week at the African Union Headquarters on 27- 28 June 2012. The meeting is part of the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) activities aimed at facilitating the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land issues and Challenges in Africa. The meeting is organised by the Land Policy Initiative which was conceptualised in 2006 by a tripartite partnership of the AU, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) with a view to develop a land policy framework and guidelines, as well as the modalities of its implementation at national, regional and continental levels. According to the organisers, the Experts Group Meeting is being held in partnership with UN-Habitat and aims to review the methodology for developing the Capacity Development Framework and reach an agreement on its content. Participants will also clarify the partnerships for its development and implementation and agree on the criteria for identifying partner centers of excellence to facilitate data collection and anchor capacity development activities in Africa. Attending this meeting are representatives of African Governments, Regional Economic Communities, as well as African Land policy experts, Centers of Excellences and CSOs from across the Continent. Development partners will also be in attendance. The discussions of the Experts Group Meeting will be informed by a concept note on Capacity Development for Land Policy in Africa as well as a draft outline of the Capacity Development Framework.