Check out the GLTN Strategy in French (plus a Chinese intro)

The GLTN 2018-2030 Strategy is a dynamic blueprint sets out how the Network will support national and local governments, and other key stakeholders to fulfil their obligations for inclusive development, and meet their Sustainable Development Goals commitments and human rights obligations on land and tenure security. The focus of the strategy is twofold:

  1. To consolidate our work on land tool development, testing and dissemination, focusing on urgently needed, priority tools.
  2. Through effective in-country partnerships, to promote and facilitate the adoption at scale of land tools and practices that promote tenure security, and to develop the capacity needed for fit-for-purpose implementation.

The vision: A world in which everyone enjoys secure land rights.

The mission: Partners working together to develop and implement inclusive fit-for-purpose and gender-responsive land tools to improve living conditions for all, prioritizing women, youth and vulnerable groups in both urban and rural settings.

The goal: Improved tenure security for all, with a focus on women, youth and vulnerable groups.

The Strategy provides a vital roadmap for GLTN to effectively respond to emerging needs, challenges and opportunities in the land sector as well as to deliver the tools and know-how to meet stakeholders’ needs and requirements. It will also help the Network support governments and stakeholders to scale up their efforts to improve tenure security using tools, capacity development and communication for more harmonized and institutionalized strategic interventions. To promote the Strategy to our GLTN partners and a broader set of stakeholders, we have so far translated it into French, with a short introduction in Chinese. Check out the links below to both these documents for sharing with interested parties and keep a look out for translations into additional languages.

Also note that the Strategy Vision – a world in which everyone enjoys secure land rights –is also available in these languages:

  • English: – A world in which everyone enjoys secure land rights
  • French: Un monde dans lequel chacun jouit de droits fonciers sécurisés
  • Arabic: عالم يتمتع فيه الجميع بحقوق ملكية آمنة للأرض
  • Spanish: Un mundo en el que todos disfrutan de derechos seguros sobre el suelo
  • Chinese:   一个人人享有土地权益的世界
  • Italian: un mondo in cui tutti godono di salvaguardati diritti sulla terra
  • Kiswahili:  Dunia ambapo kila mtu anafurahia haki za ardhi salama
  • Korean:  누구나 토지권리를 누릴 수 있는 세상