"Deadline extended to 28th July 2019" Call For Proposals for the Arab region programme on good Land Governance

"Deadline extended to 28th July 2019" IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTIVITIES UNDER THE ARAB REGION PROGRAMME ON GOOD LAND GOVERNANCE IN SUPPORT TO INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT, PEACE AND STABILITY On behalf of the Arab Land Initiative’s Partners, the Global Land Tool Network and UN-Habitat are launching a Call for Proposals to solicit interest from non-profit organisations from the Arab region to implement activities under the “Arab region programme on good land governance in support to inclusive development, peace and stability” funded by BMZ. A total of ten Agreements of Cooperation will be signed with selected partners to implement knowledge and capacity development activities in the fields of: Land and Conflict; Monitoring land governance and land tenure security; Land, women empowerment and socio-economic development; Capacity and Knowledge Development; Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration; Land, Natural Resources and Climate Change; The role of Land Professionals, Civil society and Private sector in the Land governance; Land-related legal and institutional frameworks. Activities will be implemented in the coming 12 to 24 months through collaborations that will entail the contribution of complementary resources (e.g. human resources, knowledge, in-cash and in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment, etc.) by implementing partners. Submissions in English or French will be accepted and should be received not later than Sunday 28th July 2019. Complete information regarding the call for proposal can be found in the attached document. For further information or clarifications please contact Ombretta Tempra (ombretta.tempra@un.org) or El Habib Benmokhtar (el.benmokhtar@un.org).