Development partners hold talks over DR Congo reform agenda

Kinshasa, 5 November 2012: Democratic Republic of Congo's land affairs ministry recently hosted development partners in Kinshasa in a bid to allow donors and technical partners insight into the government's action plan for a comprehensive land reform. In opening the consultations, the Congolese deputy prime minister,Alexandre Luba, highlighted the government's commitment to action the road map agreed on by stakeholders in July. He further announced that the commitment is, and will continue to be, reflected in the national budget in order for the country realise fruits of the reform. "There is a dire need to improve land governance in DR Congo for the sake of peace, social cohesion and to boost investment," he said. UN-Habitat's Oumar Sylla reaffirmed the Agency's commitment to support the Congolese government in the land reform process with added emphasis on coordination mechanisms aimed at bringing donors and technical partners together.