Experts share knowledge at Regional Workshop

Representatives from IFAD-supported projects and programmes, governments, civil society as well as technical experts from all over Africa converged in Nairobi recently to engage on how to strengthen land tenure security for the rural poor. The workshop by IFAD and the Global Land Tool Network which was aimed at deepening the participants' understanding of land and challenges the rural poor and other marginalised groups in Sub-Saharan Africa face, brought together representatives from more than 20 countries. Surveyor Wafula Nabutola, a participant, termed the workshop as "invigorating" and one that "will certainly bear excellent fruits" as it tackled issues pertinent to the participants' scope of work. Among the themes discussed during the three-day learning exchange were mapping land and natural resources rights, use and management; land and water tenure, group rights, women's land rights and inclusive business models. Feedback from the participants indicated that they are now better equipped to address the challenges within their own projects using a range of different tools. They also plan to share the knowledge gained with colleagues and practitioners in their countries for the reduction of rural poverty. IFAD and GLTN will continue working together to develop practical tools for strengthening land and natural resource rights in IFAD-supported projects and programmes, while at the same time contributing to broader national, regional and international processes and policy dialogue.