FIG-YS and UN-Habitat/GLTN: Volunteer Community Surveyor Program - Expression of interest

Together with Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), the FIG Young Surveyors Network (FIG YSN) established a competence based volunteer program for Young Surveyors also known as Volunteer Community Surveyor Program (VCSP). Participants in this program will be known as GLTN/ FIG YSN Volunteer  Community Surveyor (VCS). VCSP is an innovative volunteer program that is a powerful driver for both social impact and professional development. The VCSP leverages on the skills, experience, talents and education of young surveyors, matches this competence with the needs of GLTN, particularly in GLTN’s  county level implementation plans and programs. VCSP represents opportunities for young surveyors to touch a particular cause, or bring surveying skills and knowledge to contribute and impact communities through one’s volunteered capacity. VCSP is about matching the right person with the right skills and knowledge, at the right time, to the right opportunity through GLTN with the overriding aim to achieve greater impact. By leveraging all spheres of skills and knowledge, the VCS will contribute to GLTN’s country-level programs and activities as well as enhance and enrich one’s professional career development. The VCSP is inspired by the conviction that volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges worldwide. Every Young Surveyor can be a VCS by contributing their time, skills and knowledge through volunteerism, and their combined efforts can be a significant force for achieving development on the ground. Being a VCS can be both challenging and rewarding and require the young surveyor to use their skills in a new context. The young surveyor will be challenged to transfer useful knowledge and contribute at the community level while gaining a greater understanding of the issues affecting these communities that are often marginalised and vulnerable. Have you attended one of the STDM Training of Trainers or Awareness Events? And would you like to volunteer your time and skills to join an initiative of the Global Land Tool Network and the FIG young surveyors?
 Then fill in this form:  to join the program.

Priority will be given to Young Surveyors who have successfully completed an STDM Training or STDM Awareness Event. Global Land Tool Network facilitated by UN-HABITAT and the FIG Young Surveyors Network will review and if necessary, verify the information you have submitted. Should your interest matches an opportunity and its requirements, we will contact you.  (Your expression of interest as submitted do not amount to an acceptance into VCSP and a placement into a project. Any decision is based on a metric of considerations and is at the sole discretion of the project holder)