Focus on tenure security’s key role in Sustainable Urbanization at the forthcoming UN Habitat Assembly

UN-Habitat will be holding its first ever Assembly from 27-31st May. In attendance at the assembly will be member states, urban stakeholders, private sector and civil society to name a few. It is a great opportunity to reflect on the contribution of cities and human settlements towards sustainable development. The Assembly will provide an opportunity for attendees to hear great ideas and interact with innovative solutions so as to adapt for delivery on SDG 11 (Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable) and the New Urban Agenda (NUA). The NUA recognizes the plurality of land tenure types, and the important role of fit-for-purpose, gender and youth responsive solutions in securing land tenure for sustainable urbanization.

Improving the lives of the almost 1 billion slum dwellers, securing basic services and building livable urban communities’, wont’ happen unless more inclusive approaches to tenure security are adopted.
At the Assembly, GLTN will be showcasing o our innovative Land Tools and Approaches for addressing land tenure security challenges in an inclusive and partnership based approach. GLTN plays a strategic role in support of UN-Habitat’s efforts to address land and tenure security challenges in sustainable urbanization. We have a proven track record in the delivery of land information systems for the benefit of the urban poor and helping member states collect and utilize data for transformative land policy reforms.

The Urban Land Wheel highlights the central role that land and tenure security play in delivering sustainable urbanization when land is approached as a right for all, used in a sustainable manner, governed fairly and used as a source of public sector revenue. (Source: Preparatory study on land for the Habitat III process, 2016)

Download: The role of land for sustainable urbanization – presented at the World Urban Forum (WUF 9) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

For more information about GLTN activities at the first UN-Habitat Assembly, contact Melissa Permezel, Partnership and Network Coordinator (