GLII convenes to celebrate achievements and review progress ten years since its founding

The Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII) convened 7-8 December 2022 in a virtual meeting that brought together the founding organizations, partners, members and supporters along with specific experts involved in the development of GLII tools and implementation of GLII work. The meeting provided a forum for GLII founders, partners, and colleagues to review progress made over the years, celebrate its achievements and milestones, and evaluate the relevance of GLII and its mandate going forward. GLII is a collaborative and inclusive process for developing global land indicators and has since grown into a partnership of over 50 institutions globally – ranging from UN Agencies, Inter-governmental Organizations, International Non-governmental Organizations, academia, private sector, researchers and training Institutions, and farmer organizations. Other partners include regional institutions such as Africa Land Policy Centre (ALPC), and Regional Statistical Training Centers. With the overarching objective to make global-scale monitoring of land governance a reality by 2021, the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII) was established in 2012 jointly by the World Bank, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and the United Nations Human Settlements programme (UN-Habitat). The GLII platform is hosted and facilitated by the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) within UN-Habitat’s Land, Housing and Shelter section. MEETING RESOURCES 7th December 2022 - Day 1 1. Presentation: Virtual Meeting of the Partners and Stakeholders of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII), by Giulia Lavagna (UN-Habitat) 2. Presentation: GLII: Background, Mandate, Achievements and Opportunities, by Clinton Omusula (UN-Habitat) 3. Presentation: Getting a clearer picture of land governance and tenure rights: An Asian perspective, by Nathaniel Don Marquez (ANGOC) 4. Video: Land conflicts and human rights violations amidst a pandemic: Regional summary of land conflict monitoring reports for 2020, by Nathaniel Don Marquez (ANGOC) 5. Presentation: The Global Land Observatory, joint presentation by FAO, UN Habitat/GLTN, ILC and CIRAD 6. Video: Meeting recording for Day 1 8th December 2022 - Day 2 1. Presentation: Measuring individual land tenure rights, joint presentation by Clinton Omusula (UN-Habitat), Yonca Gurbuzer (FAO) and Martha Osorio (FAO) 2. Presentation: Enhanced coordination through regional level processes to monitor and report on SDG indicators, by Neda Jafar (ESCWA) 3. Video: Meeting recording for Day 2 REPORT GLII at 10: Partners and stakeholders' meeting report