GLTN and BMZ sign agreement for three-year program supporting land governance in Arab States

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, through its Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) have signed an agreement to support the Arab Land Initiative through the "Arab Region Programme on Good Land Governance in support of Inclusive Development, Peace and Stability”. The three-year programme has a budget of two million euros and will be implemented by the Global Land Tool Network. The aim of the programme is to achieve inclusive social and economic development - particularly for women, youth and displaced people - and to foster peace and stability by improving the capacity of regional and national stakeholders to manage and administer urban, peri-urban and rural land in the Arab States. BMZ, the GLTN Secretariat and the Arab Land Initiative partners are delighted about this opportunity to be able continue the good work of strengthening productive collaboration with ongoing land-related initiatives, organisations and partners active in the region.