GLTN Awareness Event at the FIG Africa Regional Network Workshop

GLTN conducted an awareness event as part of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Africa Regional Network (ARN) workshop at the Lukenya Getaway, Kenya on November 11, 2015. The event was conducted in partnership with the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and the Institution of Surveyors in Kenya (ISK). The objectives of the event are to: 1) introduce GLTN land tools; 2) promote conceptual awareness of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) and its application, at scale and 3) encourage interaction and future networking for in-country application of land tools by GLTN and partners.

STDM as a tool was found to be very relevant to adopt by the participants in the workshop, in light of the various initiatives on land administration and management in their countries. One of the recommendations highlighted in the event is the partnership with polytechnics and universities in studying and applying the tool in research and share the learnings with the government for adoption.

Participants in the awareness event are surveyors, land valuators, students, professors and other land professionals from the public, private and research/training sectors from Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Rwanda.

The Africa Regional Network focus is to build the capacity of African Surveying Associations and individual surveyors to act as agents of positive change and encourage the process of development and growth for the benefit of Africa and its people.  Earlier, from November 9-10,  FIG ARN conducted a workshop focusing on the African Surveying Profession and how it can best contribute to face the challenges and opportunities of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) particularly facilitating the sustainability of professional land businesses, societal and big data trends.