GLTN Hosts Gender Experts Training

Image removed.Land experts and gender champions recently convened in Nairobi for the Global Land Tool Network's training workshop on How to do a Gender Land Evaluation. The training which is part of the Network's capacity building strategy aimed to equip stakeholders with the resources they need in order to make necessary changes towards sustainable, pro-poor and gender responsive land management.

The meeting organised by the International Land Coalition, International Federation of Surveyors and UN-Habitat allowed participants to explore the different activities and approaches within the Gender Evaluation criteria and forge a way of implementing it in their own contexts.

So far the Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC) has been successfully piloted in Brazil, Ghana and Uganda. The Uganda pilot was conducted in 10 districts whereby the Criteria was employed as an evaluation tool to check how gender-responsive Uganda's institutional processes such as land titling, mapping and information sharing are.

"The process was intense but also fulfilling to see our leaders take up such interest in the project," says Ann Kampire of the Uganda Land Alliance of the eight-month experience.

In the Ghanaian case study, Fati Al Hassan of the Sisterhood Foundation unpacked the use of the Criteria to evaluation of land reform and Customary Land Secretariats since about 80 per cent of land held in Ghana is held under customary or traditional reigns.

Through the knowledge sharing sessions, the participants were able to deduce more appropriate ways to prepare, implement, evaluate and validate the Criteria in their own contexts.

For more information: Read the brief here