GLTN Partners convene for the 7th Partners Meeting

7th GLTN Partners Meeting

24 to 26 of April 2018

"Together, moving tenure security for all to the next level"

GLTN partners are getting together this week in Nairobi for the 7th Partners Meeting, in the United Nations Offices in Nairobi, Kenya. This partners meeting comes after the endorsement by the international community of the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda, which represents a landmark achievement for the land community, by acknowledging the importance of inclusive conceptions and approaches of land tenure and land governance in general, in achieving sustainable development goals. The spirit of the partner’s meeting is to renew the social contract among GLTN partners, to engage with the implementation of the SDGs towards providing tenure security to billions of people in both rural and urban settings, with a special emphasis on youth and women. The Land indicator 1.4.2 under goal 1 of the SDGs is giving GLTN more relevance than ever to implement existing tools and build capacity for land agency and to provide support member states to deliver land tenure security within the SDGs. During the week, partners will review achievements and lessons learnt, over 11 years of collective and cooperative work in the land sector in addressing tenure security for all, as a solid foundation to engage with the implementation of the SDGs. For this GLTN partners will table the new strategy (2018-2010) which aligns with both global and regional commitments (SDGs, NUA, VGGTs and AU declaration), a consensus mechanism to engage the network into a new era. The new strategy for GLTN in Phase 3  is putting forward the spirit of a partner-driven network. It emphasizes inclusiveness with a proposed new governance framework and increased impact on tool implementation with a focus on an increased level of attribution. The 7th Partners Meeting brings innovation through the inclusion of countries to share their experiences on GLTN tools' implementation and strategy for addressing challenges related to land governance. Participants will share their reflections on the impact of GLTN in Iraq, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, Uganda, Zambia, the Philippines,  the People's Democratic Republic of  Laos, and Kenya. The partners meeting will be opened by Ms. Farida Karoney, the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning from the Government of Kenya.