GLTN Partners convene for the 8th Partners Meeting 1-4 December 2020

“Tenure Security as a key element of COVID-19 response and impact mitigation”
We have a pleasure to announce that the GLTN Partners will hold the 8th biennial Partners’ Meeting from Tuesday 1st December to Friday 4th December 2020. The current circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic dictate that this will be a fully online meeting and that the agenda will be somewhat curtailed as compared to previous meetings. The 2020 GLTN Partners’ Meeting happens at a vulnerable and critical time in the recent human history. The global pandemic has posed tremendous challenges on governments, even more so in developing countries. Now, more than ever, collaboration and partnerships among many different sectors and actors are necessary. The work of GLTN partners on security of tenure, housing rights and combatting forced evictions can help governments to develop effective policy measures and collaborative solutions in this respect. The main theme of the meeting is “Tenure security as a key element of COVID-19 response and impact mitigation”. The focus of the meeting will be on strategic decisions and policy directions of the Network, discussions on the implementation of the GLTN programme in the context of COVID-19 pandemic and strengthening partnership and collaboration within the Network. In line with these focus areas, the specific objectives for the 8th GLTN Partners’ Meeting are:
  1.  To provide an opportunity to share and discuss experiences, trends and tools related to land tenure security;
  2.  To reflect on the implementation of the GLTN Phase 3 strategy, cluster priorities and work plan in the context of COVID-19;
  3.  To fulfil the requirements of the Partners’ Charter regarding the election of cluster leads and the GLTN Steering Committee.
Unlike in previous meetings where partners have traditionally met in Nairobi or another venue, the structure for the 8th Partners’ Meeting has been customized to accommodate remote participation for partners. Consequently, the programme for each of the four days will only take up part of the day. Plenary sessions and cluster meetings will be held in the mid-afternoon East African time to provide maximum accessibility to partners and members in all time zones. If any Partners or members would like to make formal statements in the opening or closing plenaries of the Meeting, please let us know not later than Friday 20th November. Pre-events and side events will be held on 1st December all day and mornings of 2nd and 4th December. They will be organised and run by partners. We expect to be able to accommodate up to six side events of two hours each, so a priority will be placed on events hosted collectively by multiple partners. Partners must submit their interest in hosting side events by Wednesday 18th November (now extended from 10th), using a side events submission form. The GLTN Secretariat, in collaboration with relevant partners, will propose a schedule for the side events that will depend on number of final selected events and on relevant time zones. Partners are invited to register their interest in participating in the meeting by sending an email to with a copy to and The deadline for registration is Monday 23rd November 2020. Read more: 8th GLTN Partners' Meeting 2020 Download: Concept note and Outline programme Side event request form Partners’ Charter