GLTN'S Youth and Land Responsiveness Criteria (YLRC) tool now a best practice

GLTN's Youth and Land Responsiveness Criteria tool has been identified as a good practice and is now featured in the global database of good practices of International Land Coalition's (ILC), a GLTN Partner. The Youth and Land Responsiveness Criteria is a tool developed by GLTN partners with a purpose to assess land programmes and policies objectively to ensure that youth and land issues are equitably addressed in order to achieve tenure security for all. The tool can be used to evaluate existing land tools in terms of their responsiveness to youth and to identify where and how they can be more responsive to youth’s needs and concerns for land. It also provides strong opportunities to involve youth actively in the process and to get first-hand knowledge on the experiences of youth in relation to land issues. GLTN in partnership with Uganda Community Based Association for Women and Children’s Welfare (UCOBAC) have implemented the Youth and Land Responsiveness Criteria tool (YLRC) in Northern Uganda. More information is available on the ILC database of good practices.