Good land governance is essential for improved livelihoods - CS Karoney

Highlights from the speech by Farida Karoney, OGW, Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, during the Opening Session of the 7th GLTN Partners Meeting on 24th  April, 2018 at United Nations headquarters in Nairobi.   In her speech, Ms. Karoney emphasised the role of land as an enabler to support manufacturing, access to affordable and decent housing, universal health care, food security and nutrition.  Proper land management and administration addresses issues of social justice and cohesion. She notes that the growth of slum areas as well as the need to settle the landless is a critical reminder that land is essential for improved livelihoods not just in Kenya but globally. She acknlowleged GLTN's role in land reform, improved land management and enhancing security of tenure for all in Kenya; as UN-Habitat, FAO and the GLTN were instrumental in the development of the National Land Policy in Kenya. Through the IFAD-supported TSLI-ESA  Initative, GLTN's work in Kenya also includes the establishment of a land information system in the Mwea Irrigation Scheme, with the aim of  securing irrigation land and water rights  for smallholder farmers. In conclusion, Ms. Karoney noted that the effects of competition over land has increased challenges of land and natural resource management aross international borders, and calls for regional and international cooperation. She reiterated that the Government of Kenya remains committed to adopting appropriate policies and reforms in the land sector to comply with the global development agenda.

Retated Article:  Kenya committed to adopting appropriate reforms to comply with global agenda, CS Karoney