IHS: International Course on Smart Cities (ICSC)

Join the International Course on Smart Cities (ICSC) and seize the opportunity to create resource efficient, socially inclusive, economically dynamic, environmentally sustainable, and intelligently managed cities. Duration: 2 weeks Dates: 5 October – 16 October 2015 Tuition Fee: € 5,500 Early bird tuition fee (until 15 August): € 5,000 Language: English Location:  5-9 October 2015 in New Delhi, India 12‐16 October 2015 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands Early bird registration deadline: 15 August 2015 Regular registration deadline: 15 September 2015 The International Course on Smart Cities is a unique learning experience which aims to provide practitioners, consultants and decision-makers, with deep insights into all components of the smart city and helps them integrate such components into their specific context and work. Course Objectives By the end of the course, the course participants will be able to: • Define the concept of Smart Cities and apply it to solve challenges emerging from rapid urbanization • Understand various components of Smart Cities • Identify and apply a systematic, strategic planning approach for developing implementation design of Smart Cities • Understand the role and relevance of various stakeholders for the development of Smart Cities • Identify forms of available public private partnerships and build partnerships as mechanisms for mobilizing private finance Methodology The course employs a range of proven and innovative training methodologies. The learning activities will include classroom lectures, interactive sessions, group discussions and assignments and guest lectures by well-known practitioners. Field visits to cutting-edge smart city initiatives in the Netherlands will complement the learning experience. Registration Interested to register? Please visit the online registration system. For more information on the course, please contact Ms. Tanushree Singh at P: +919891292326, E: smartcities@tscpl.com