ILC: Monthly update

Leading Story: Getting it Right - Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC) Training & Planning for In-Country Land Initiatives. From August 26-29, the ILC Secretariat and the Global Land Tools Network (GLTN), with the logistics support of ILC member KPA (Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria), jointly facilitated a workshop in Bogor, Indonesia, organised by), aimed at equipping 32 participants with in-depth knowledge on using the GEC tool. Participants included representatives of a diverse range of stakeholders: 18 ILC members from India, Nepal, Philippines, Cambodia, and Indonesia, as well as GLTN/UN-Habitat and UN Women staff, Indonesian CSOs, and the National Human Rights Commission and Commission on Violence against Women. A strong emphasis was placed on action planning in country groups to complement NES processes and explore potential for collaboration, including through the GLTN/UN-Habitat regional land tenure initiative. Improved Land Observatory platform launched CDE and ILC launched an improved version of the Land Observatory platform. The Land Observatory is a pilot project, part of the broader Land Matrix initiative that is co-creating with partner organisations (currently in Cambodia, Laos, Madagascar and Peru) a process and software that allows to generate greater spatial context for land deals, make possible deeper investigation of the actors involved, locally manage data on land deals and use data collected to generate analysis and inform decision-making on land. Contact: Silvia Forno, International Union of Notaries (UINL) meets with ILC Secretariat A delegation of the International Union of Notaries (UINL), a new ILC member, visited the ILC Secretariat on July 9 to showcase a portfolio of their land-related activities. Following its institutional mission to be at the service of a fairer society, the UINL is supporting land titling projects. At the meeting, ILC and UINL came to the conclusion that there is much potential to collaborate. The UINL is ready to put its network of local expertise at the disposal of the ILC to conduct audits of national land laws and to support ILC members in strengthening their legal capacities. Read the blog post for more details about this fruitful meeting. Contact: Jan Cherlet, Mapping resources in villages across Tanzania as a starting point for joint village land use planning In early July, ILC worked with the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, the National Land Use Planning Commission, the Chembe and Kondoa District Councils and NGO partners to facilitate a process of participatory resource mapping by members of three villages who share grazing and water resources. This was the first step in a process of joint village land use planning that the Sustainable Rangeland Management Project (SRMP) is supporting. Contact: Fiona Flintan, ILC Secretariat meets with the Global Water Partnership From 27 August to 1 September, the ILC Secretariat attended the biannual meeting of the Technical Committee (TEC) of the Global Water Partnership (GWP), as well as its annual Consulting Partners (CP) meeting. At the TEC meeting ILC presented the forthcoming GWP-ILC perspective paper on ‘Coordinated Water and Land Governance’ and discussed the possibility of having a joint ILC-GWP-IWMI workshop on this topic. At the CP meeting, ILC listened to GWP’s regional and national branches to understand their views and concerns regarding the water-land interconnection. Contact: Jan Cherlet, Photo courtesy of the International Land Coalition. Click here to read the complete update.