Improving Tenure Security of Smallholder Farmers in select areas in the Philippines

Land is at the core of everyone's being, particularly for the indigenous peoples because it is their means of livelihood, their homes, their hearts, their bond with the spirits of their ancestors hence their ancestral domain. In the Philippines, the ‘Improving Tenure Security of Smallholder Farmers in select areas in the Philippines’ project is being implemented in northern Mindanao by Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC), and Xavier Science Foundation (XSF) in partnership with Indigenous Peoples organizations of Bukidnon. The project is part of the ‘Secure Access to Land and Resources’ implemented in Laos, the Philippines and Uganda and with technical and financial support from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Special Initiative “One World-No Hunger”, UN-Habitat and-GLTN.