International Union of Notaries (UINL) teams up with GLTN to address land governance and tenure issues

Image removed. Oumar Sylla signs the agreement of cooperation as Daniel Sedar Senghor, the Chief Executive of UINL (right) and Lionel Galliez in charge of the UINL Paris chapter look on.

The International Union of Notaries (UINL) has signed an agreement of cooperation with GLTN to jointly address land governance and tenure issues. The official signing ceremony was held during the 28th International Congress of the Notaries held from 19 to 22 of October in Paris. The agreement seeks to develop a learning platform between the two organizations on land governance and tenure security.

With the limited coverage of the formal land administration, GLTN land tools and approaches are perceived as innovative means for notaries to break the silos and to explore alternative means for improving tenure security, especially for the vulnerable. This agreement, jointly signed by Daniel Sedar Senghor, Chief Executive of UINL and Oumar Sylla from the GLTN Secretariat seeks to facilitate the development and implementation of joint capacity development activities that will tackle land governance and tenure issues. The agreement will also come up with a joint awareness raising strategy targeting the various stakeholders and decision makers on land governance and tenure.

The discourse at the ceremony recognized and appreciated the new opportunities afforded by the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda to comprehensively address issues related to tenure security and land governance in general.

The International Union of Notaries (UINL) is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1948 to promote, co-ordinate and develop the duties and activities of Notaries throughout the world and ensure the standing and independence necessary for optimum service to individuals and society through close collaboration between Chambers of Notaries.