Land degradation neutrality and tenure security - the SDG Prospects

This volume of ‘A Better World’ series, a publication by the Human Development Forum at Tudor Rose, covers SDG Goal 15: Life on Land, specifically Target 15.3 which aims to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) by 2030.  It also outlines the concept, main elements and current international framework for assessing the progress towards achieving LDN by 2030. Goal 15 calls on countries to strengthen their policies for sustainable land use and soil management and put in place mechanisms to achieve LDN. In this article, Everlyne Nairesiae, Oumar Sylla and Judith Mulinge of GLTN speak about the importance of securing tenure rights to land and how this will increase the prospects of achieving LDN. Thus, governments are challenged to tailor their national development plans and governance strategies to secure tenure rights for all including women and vulnerable communities as a critical factor to achieve LDN. Individuals and groups who have secure tenure rights to land unlike those who do not have, are more likely to embrace land use practices that promote LDN including tree planting and agro-forestry. To monitor progress on LDN, governments with support from data agencies are challenged to generate quality and reliable sex disaggregated land data; both legally documented rights and perception of tenure security to inform policy decisions on LDN… read more