Meet the Partner: Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)

The Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) aims to become the leading university in Africa known for being a trendsetter in higher education and applied research internationally. Key goals for NUST include "knowledge creation" in the applied and multidisciplinary arenas and contributing to economic and social development. It aims to do these through the promotion and facilitation of innovation, technology development and knowledge transfer in conjunction with national and international partnerships with other universities, institutions and organisations. The Department of Land and Property Sciences (DLPS) at NUST together with the Integrated Land Management Institute (ILMI) are playing a leading role in research and outreach in the field of land governance and administration. The Department hosts the NELGA Hub for Southern Africa, together with 14 partner universities playing a leading role in research and outreach for informed policy making in the field of land governance and administration. Together the partners offer a variety of undergraduate, master and doctorate degrees on land governance and security of land tenure. The partnership is gaining increased relevance as a leading authority on land governance matters in the region. An active programme has been developed that includes capacity building, regular outreach activities, a working paper series, seminars, master classes and the regular hosting of international speakers on a variety of topics. NUST with partner universities has also developed the Research and Capacity Development Strategy for Land Governance Innovation in Southern Africa closely aligned to major African and International Initiatives. The strategy supports and draws inspiration from the African Land Policy Initiative, the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, the African Agenda 2063, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs), the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure.