New changes at GLTN Secretariat: Former 'Land and GLTN Unit' is now part of the new ‘Land, Housing and Shelter Section’ of UN-Habitat

UN-Habitat implemented a new organisational structure during January 2020 and the majority of staff reassignments are now complete. The former Land and GLTN Unit, which provided the Secretariat of the Global Land Tool Network, is now part of the new ‘Land, Housing and Shelter Section’. There is a strong tradition of collaboration between colleagues working on land and those working on housing and shelter in UN-Habitat, both normatively and in our field operations. The new structure reinforces this and supports an even more integrated approach. This new ‘Land, Housing and Shelter Section’ focuses on skills, tools and normative solutions and is designed to work closely with UN-Habitat offices in the field in piloting and replicating its work. This is a good fit with the strategy of the GLTN and steps are already in place to ensure that momentum is not lost through this restructuring. GLTN is one of the flagship programmes of UN-Habitat, enjoying the Agency’s full support. UN-Habitat clearly recognises that sustainable urbanization cannot be achieved without addressing land tenure and governance issues. GLTN shall, therefore, continue enjoying the full support of UN-Habitat. Oumar Sylla has now taken up the position of Regional Representative for Africa, which is a critical role for UN-Habitat’s work, and he will continue collaborating intensively with GLTN’s work and be an important contributor to GLTN’s collective endeavours. The Executive Director of UN-Habitat has appointed Robert Lewis-Lettington lead the Land, Housing and Shelter Section and will also take on the role of Secretary of the Global Land Tool Network. Read more: Communication to GLTN Partners and Members