Press Release : Improving gender equality & grassroots participation through good land governance

UN-Habitat/GLTN (Global Land Tool Network) in partnership with the AUC, ECA, AfDB and Land Policy Initiatives (LPI) will hold a training workshop on "Improving gender equality and grassroots participation through good land governance". The training is scheduled to take place from 12 to 15 February 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the UN Conference Centre (Anglophone: 12- 14 February in Caucus room1; and Francophone: 13- 15 February in Caucus room 2). The training session is part of the activities of the Elements of a LPI 5 year-strategic plan and roadmap (2012-2016) for the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land and specifically, Objective 6 which aims to "Enhance capacity and skills in support of land policy development and implementation in Africa". Click here to download the press release...