Registration closing soon! LANDac Annual International Conference 2018

Land Governance and (Im)mobility: Exploring the nexus between land acquisition, displacement and migration

28–29 June 2018, Utrecht, the Netherlands The LANDac Annual International Conference brings together academics, policymakers, practitioners and private sector actors from all over the world to discuss the challenges faced and set the agenda for action on land governance for equitable and sustainable development. The 2018 conference takes the land-mobilities nexus as a starting point and focuses on the multiple ways in which land investments feed into processes of mobility. What are implications of land based investments on the movements of people? And how have displacement and population movements contributed to new and contesting land claims? The preliminary programme is available! This year’s programme includes 35 parallel sessions and key notes from Tania Li, Sheela Patel, Michael Uwemedimo, Klaas van Egmond, Veena Srinivasan and Bernhard Truffer. Please find the programme attached. For information and registration visit