Roundtable: Addressing land administration and land rights challenges to pave the ground for peace and stability in Libya

The round table was organized by UN-Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network under the umbrella of the BMZ-funded “Arab Region Programme on Good Land Governance in Support to Inclusive Development, Peace and Stability” on the 29-30 June in Tunis, Tunisia. The event gathered Libyan representatives from different departments of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Local Government, the UN, INGOs and civil society organizations. The round table provided a platform for about 30 in person and online participants to share ideas and discuss the importance of land development and land tenure security for achieving sustainable peace and stability in Libya, and their fundamental role in the economic development of the country. During the two-days event, many important points were raised by the attendees, in particular: the urgent need for technical capacity building on land management, land administration, land-based finance and taxation involving stakeholders and partners from the public and private sectors; the need of enhancing collaboration between reginal and international institutions to ensure better access to data; and the necessity of increasing the cooperation between UN-Habitat and Libyan institutions for addressing land administration and land rights issues to achieve a sustainable peace and stability in the medium and long term in Libya. See also: Event announcement and Concept Note Download: ROUNDTABLE REPORT: Addressing Land Administration and Land Rights Challenges to Pave the Ground for Peace and Stability in Libya (English) ROUNDTABLE REPORT: Addressing Land Administration and Land Rights Challenges to Pave the Ground for Peace and Stability in Libya (Arabic)