Strengthening Land Management For Peaceful Co-Existence in Darfur- Sudan

UN-Habitat‘s office in Khartoum and GLTN have conducted an advanced training on Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM), organized in Khartoum from 18-20 September 2017, Within the overall objective and context of Darfur Development Strategy (DDS), and the project “Strengthening Land Management for Peaceful Co-Existence in Darfur to address the issue of land in Darfur".

10 participants from five states of Darfur along with UN-Habitat head quarter office staff and UN-Habitat Khartoum staff have attended the sessions and participated in the learning experience, and exchanged their views and ideas to facilitate tailoring and customizing the STDM to the unique context of Darfur. In addition to capacity development of the technical project team and stakeholders on the use of customized STDM in Arabic version.

STDM is one of the GLTN tools that provide a standard for representing ‘people – land’ relationships independent of the level of formality, legality and technical accuracy. The tool is to bridge the gap in the conventional land administration systems, and to cater for customary and informal tenure context in Darfur.

It is worth mentioning that Sudan has the opportunity to introduce the first Arabic version of the STDM tool to be applied in Darfur projects.

The training sessions focus on the customization of STDM tool to “address land concerns at return sites” by demarcation of 50 return villages boundaries, sketch mapping including future expansion as well as a buffer grazing zone around the village, following traditional practice.

During the interactive sessions of learning STDM, the participants shared their perceptions on land management challenges in Darfur, reflections on tailoring STDM to Darfur context, and way forward to implement enumeration in field.

Republished from: the UN in Sudan