Strengthening land tenure security for rural poor

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Global Land Tool Network Secretariat (GLTN) are set to host a regional workshop on land tenure security and land access issues in Nairobi, Kenya, from 29 to 31 May 2012. The workshop aims at deepening the participants' understanding of land and challenges the rural poor and other marginalized groups in Sub-Saharan Africa face in accessing land and securing their rights to natural resources. During the three-day workshop, IFAD Country programme managers, IFAD-supported project and programme staff as well as technical experts will share knowledge and identify innovative approaches for strengthening security of land and natural resource tenure of the poor people and vulnerable groups. The Global Land Tool Network of partners has, for the last five years, continued to facilitate the security of land and property rights of the poor and marginalized by developing practical ways of solving land issues. As an active member, IFAD has financed activities to strengthen knowledge management on tools for securing land and natural resource rights and management in IFAD-supported projects.