Technical University of Munich invites applications for Master of Science in Land Management and Geospatial Science

Land is a scarce resource that, when poorly managed, could be subject to conflicts, societal disputes, economic failure, environmental challenges and more. With this in mind, the Chair of Land Management of the Technical University of Munich in Germany, has more than 20 years of experience in capacity building in the land domain. The recently launched Master’s Programme on Land Management and Geospatial Science interconnects two scientific domains to train responsible professionals beyond borders to manage the built environment and develop creative and innovative solutions. Land management aims to describe and analyse the relationships between people and land from the socio-economic, environmental and policy points of view. It also refers to tenure security, land governance, property valuation and conflict mediation. Geospatial science refers to the description, analysis and understanding of these relationships from the spatial perspective, making use of spatial information technology to gather data and provide practical solutions. The correlation of both domains is innovative, but necessary. The programme responds to the high demand for professionals who can monitor, change and use policies, tools and instruments around the world to cope with increasing challenges related to land, ranging from property registration, land rights and restrictions, water and environmental management, development of infrastructures, and many more. The curriculum of the two-year programme encompasses mandatory and elective modules including Land Management, Property Rights, Land Tenure, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Land Governance, Environmental Planning, Land Policies, among others, in the first year. It also contains a possibility for mobility on the third semester to one of our partner universities in Europe, Asia or Africa, and a fourth semester of thesis writing. For more information on the curriculum and application process, click here. Applications are open from the 1st of January each year.