UN Habitat 2018 International Urban Design Student Competition

UN-Habitat in collaboration with the Wuhan Land Use and Spatial Planning Research Centre (WLSP) is looking for creative and innovative urban design ideas from students for a vacant waterfront site in inner-city Wuhan, China. The competition is part of the UN-Habitat – WLSP programme “People Orientated Urban Public Spaces” and covers the following key themes:
  • Improving and innovating urban public spaces
  • Revitalization of waterfront spaces
  • Revalorizing industrial heritage
  • Socially inclusive and compact inner-city centers
  • Creating new tourism destinations
Students from around the world are invited to participate in this competition. Please download the documents below for more information.

Registration closes on Saturday, 30 June 2018 23:59 GMT+8 (China time zone) 

Key downloads: