USAID's Draft Sustainable Urban Services Policy

Invitation for Public Comment: For the first time, USAID is engaging the public in an open consultation process by posting the draft of our forthcoming Sustainable Service Delivery in an Increasingly Urbanized World Policy for public comment. The policy seeks to enhance the capacity of countries and communities to provide sustainable urban services. In so doing, it seeks to prepare USAID for the ongoing rapid growth of cities throughout the world. As with other USAID policies, the Sustainable Urban Services Policy will provide guidance to 80+ USAID Missions in the field. We are seeking feedback on the draft until March 25, and look forward to any comments you may wish to offer. Please click here to submit your feedback. To ensure broad feedback and inclusivity, we hope that you will circulate the Policy to your networks, especially those in developing countries. Please be assured that all comments will be thoughtfully reviewed and considered by the USAID Sustainable Urban Services Policy Task Team (PTT). In the months ahead, USAID is planning a series of consultations with civil society, the private sector, the donor community, and other federal agencies. If you are interested in participating in these discussions, please contact me. I look forward to your feedback on the draft and especially want to thank all those who have already provided their support for enhanced citizen engagement in USAID initiatives.