Webinar: Towards a Postgraduate Programme in Land Governance Serving the Needs of Lebanon and Other Middle Eastern Countries

The Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences of the Lebanese University (LU) on 15 and 17 June2020 hosted the webinar “Towards a Postgraduate Programme in Land Governance Serving the Needs of Lebanon and Other Middle Eastern Countries”. The webinar, co-hosted by GIZ, UN-Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network, brought together academics at LU, international and local land experts from the Arab region, and members of the Arab Land Initiative to present their insights, views and experiences as a contribution towards a future postgraduate programme in land governance. The event gave participants the opportunity to learn about key and up-to-date land governance concepts, approaches and innovations; establish a preliminary digital library on matters related to land governance, consisting of workshop presentations, references, e-documents and websites; and, create a network of resource people who will support LU in the curricula development and implementation ahead. The way land is accessed, used and controlled is crucial for the social and economic development of societies, the attainment of peace and stability, and the realisation of human rights, making land a cornerstone for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. This programme therefore aims at building the capacities of a set of professionals who will be able to lead the various aspects of land management in Arab countries. The detailed proceedings of the workshop and key material presented can be downloaded at the links below: Webinar report Webinar presentations Webinar essential references