Welcome to the new Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat

United Nations Secretary-General Appoints Victor Kisob as Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme - UN Habitat

In September, we bid farewell to the former Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat, Dr Aisa Kirabo-Kacyira of Rwanda, whose term came to an end. Dr Kacyira was a great supporter and champion of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and has always acknowledged and promoted GLTN partner efforts and impact in improving the tenure security of everyday people.  In her farewell letter to the GLTN partners, Dr. Kacyira expressed her heartfelt gratitude for their work and support of GLTN which has led to growth and a successful transition of the programme.  She urged the partners to continue championing land while delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda and reiterated the importance of land for sustainable urbanization. Soon after Dr. Kacyira’s departure, we welcomed the new Deputy Executive Director, Mr Victor Kisob of Cameroon on Monday 1st of October. Mr. Kisob brings more than two decades of service in human resources management; spanning international affairs, policy, strategy, operations, knowledge management and partnerships, coupled with a comprehensive background in the field within the United Nations system, in Somalia, Israel, Palestine, Zambia and Ethiopia. We are confident that the new Deputy Executive Director will continue the tradition of showing strong leadership and support for GLTN. The GLTN leadership has met with Mr. Kisob and discussed GLTN – the new strategy, phase 3, achievements so far and the way forward. You can read more here and here.