Welcoming Development Workshop as GLTN’s 79th partner

We are pleased to announce that Development Workshop has joined the Network as our 79th Partner in the International Urban Civil Society Cluster.

Founded in 1973, the Development Workshop (DW) has worked in over forty countries on human settlements development projects, research and policy advocacy. DW was a founding member of the Habitat International Coalition (HIC) and has remained an active member of HIC in the defence of women's and land rights. Over the last three decades, DW’s long term country and regional programs have covered the Sahel (based in Burkina Faso), South east Asia Vietnam (based in Vietnam) and Angola, as well as offices in France, Canada and Namibia. In Angola, DW collaborated with GLTN over the last ten years in advocacy on land legislation and policy, research, and piloting innovative land tools through the implementation of a number of demonstration projects. DW was a pioneer in the development of participatory Inclusive Land Readjustment (PILaR) in Angola's post-war environment. Currently, DW is working with GLTN on the development of the STDM tool and implementing pilot participatory cadastres in ten municipalities in the central provinces of Angola. DW also collaborated with Urban LandMark and Cities Alliance on promoting Incremental Land Tenure in Southern Africa. Development Workshop's newest country program is in Namibia focuses on preventing further informal settlement growth, mainly by promoting access to affordable land with title. During 2017, DWN implemented a comprehensive study on informal settlement growth in Namibia. DW Namibia is developing a self-financed land regularisation program in three municipalities in collaboration with a commercial bank and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development. Engagements with the Office of the President and international development banks aim to upscale the program to national level with the aim to effectively transform, in towns across Namibia, informal land occupation into sustainable urban growth. More information about Development Workshop is available at http://www.dw.angonet.org/.