World Bank issues call for 2013 papers

Abstracts will be guided by the 2013 theme,"Moving towards transparent land governance: Evidence-based next steps The Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty has announced its call for papers ahead of the meeting that will take place from April 8-11, 2013. Under the theme of "Moving towards transparent land governance: Evidence-based next steps", the 2013 conference will provide a forum for an evidence-based discussion of innovative approaches to follow up on recent global and regional initiatives, and concrete steps to improve land governance at country level in a way that contributes to poverty reduction, gender equality, and sustainable economic growth. Papers are invited for presentations at the conference under a a continuum of rights in a decentralized environment, an area pertinent to the work undertaken by the Global Land Tool Network. Over the years, the conference has brought together representatives from governments, civil society, academia, the private sector and the development community to discuss issues of concern to land practitioners and policymakers worldwide. The annual conference is supported by, among others, UN-Habitat and GLTN and continues bring together land actors and the development community at large to discuss issues of concern to land practitioners and policymakers worldwide. For more details, visit