Youth and Land session at WUF 6

The Youth Assembly of the Sixth Session of the World Urban Forum officially opened on Sunday 2 September 2012 giving way to a variety of sessions to engage the youth on the theme 'The Urban Future'. As part of the Assembly, Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)'s roundtable event on Youth and Land provided global youth with the opportunity to trace and deliberate on their connection to the resource. Panelists drawn from the different sectors of land addressed participants on the need to strengthen youth engagement in order to address their security of tenure. Issues pertaining to young people's right to access public spaces, affordable land, rental accommodation as well as the role of the youth in finding solutions, were discussed and reiterated in the Final Youth Statement read by UN-Habitat Youth Advisory Board's Safira De La Sala during the closing ceremony of the Forum. "The round table served as a conversation starter on the issue and a platform to identify young champions to carry forward the largely unexplored dimension to land," said GLTN secretariat staff, Toril Iren. Join the Youth and Land conversation on twitter #youthandland and be heard.