
Nine countries from the Arab region share and learn on land tenure security challenges

This week a Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) workshop for the Arab Region started in Tunis, Tunisia with Land Administration change agents of nine countries. The workshop is a cooperation between GLTN and the School of Land Administration Studies, an initiative of Kadaster International and ITC Faculty, University of Twente. The event takes place from 6 until 8 December and is co-hosted by the Regional Center for Remote Sensing of North Africa States – CRTEAN.

This workshop builds upon the Arab Land initiative, initiated by GLTN in 2016, which envisions people in the Arab countries enjoying equal and affordable access to land, peace, stability and economic growth by working together on good land policies and transparent, efficient and affordable land administration systems.

In this workshop the organisers introduce the Fit-for-Purpose approach. The internationally recognized Fit-for-Purpose (FFP) approach provides an innovative and pragmatic solution to land administration challenges. Together with the Arab participants from the private, public and NGO sector the application in local contexts are worked out. The FFP solution is directly aligned with country specific needs, is affordable, is flexible to accommodate different types of land tenure, and can be upgraded when economic opportunities or social requirements arise. This will lead to increased access to land and tenure security for all.

During the workshop various spatial, legal and institutional frameworks of the FFP approach will be unpacked, demonstrated, and assessed, with regards to their application in different local contexts. This is done through demonstrations, interactive deliberations, presentations, group work and exercises. Next week results of the workshop will be shared via social media channels.