Tapping the potential: The role of grassroots in land policy implementation

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This publication describes four pilot projects supported by Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) partners to strengthen grassroots organization engagement with formal land policy implementation processes in India, Tanzania, Peru and the Philippines.  The premise is that land policy implementation and any land interventions will be far more effective in helping poor rural and urban communities when those communities are meaningfully involved.

There is a large untapped potential for constructive engagement between formal structures and grassroots communities, which could deliver land-related interventions that are cost-effective and large scale, and which reach those who need them. The examples described in this publication will build confidence among stakeholders from different sectors towards achieving this goal.

Task Manager: Åsa Jonsson Principal author: Tim Bending Contributors: Danilo Antonio, Katia Araujo, Armando Jorilla, Ndinini Kimesera, Keya Kunte, Jack Makau, Lucy Meija, Esupat Ngulupa, Sheela Patel, Ayse Yonder Editing and Layout: Jennifer Odallo, Stefanie Freccia, Åsa Jonsson, Victoria Quinlan Sponsors: The Norwegian Government and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

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