The Social Tenure Domain Model: A pro poor land tool

The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) is a pro-poor, gender responsive and participatory land information system. STDM is a land tool for representing a person-to-land relationship along the land rights continuum. The STDM approach was developed over several years by GLTN and FIG (through the FIG Young Surveyors) and other partners to bridge the gap between formally registered land and land that is not registered. This FIG Report presents the need for STDM, the properties of STDM as a tool, and the benefit and use of STDM as a key means of meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The STDM is now available in English, French, Arabic and Japanese. Credits Principal Author: Christiaan Lemmen English (2013): Editors: Harry Uitermark and Christiaan Lemmen Arabic (2015): Translation: GLTN, reviewed by Saad Kholoud French (2017): Translation: GLTN, reviewed by Claire Galpin, Japanese (2017): Translation: Kazuaki Fujii, Japan Federation of Land and House Investigators’ Association, (JFLHIA) Research Institute and confirmed with Japan Federation of Surveyors. Mr Kazuaki Fujii also assisted with the layout to ensure a correct language.

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