Renewed commitment on indicator for achieving global land tenure security in the SDGs

Image removed.The indicator 1.4.2 is currently classified as Tier III because the conceptual clarity on the methodology is being developed and baseline data are being compiled. A concerted effort is needed over the coming months to ensure the indicator achieves Tier II by October 2017 and then Tier I by October 2018, therefore, is definitely incorporated into the formal SDG monitoring process. The Global Donor Working Group on Land has set up an informal multi-stakeholder committee, the Friends of the Custodians, to help the World Bank and UN-Habitat to achieve re-classification of this indicator from Tier III to Tier I by October 2018. The committee is composed of UK-DFID, Global Affairs Canada, The Millennium Challenge Corporation, the International Land Coalition, Omidyar Network and the Global Land Indicators Initiative. They are supporting the custodians to mobilize resources and capacities for expert group meetings, while also coordinating with donors and other stakeholders on gathering critical information (e.g. evidence on survey methodologies) in order to satisfy the criteria for achieving Tier II and, eventually, Tier I status. In collaboration with the custodian agencies, the Global Donor Working Group on Land will capitalize on upcoming key events to review progress made in the process of the land indicators, for e.g. during the next CFS meeting.

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