FIAN: Monitoring Report on Land Policies and the Right to Food in Ecuador 2013

Image removed.With the support of other on-the-ground organizations, FIAN Ecuador has made available online its latest report on land policies and right to food in Ecuador

The report offers an overview of the current process of land accumulation, which was specifically accelerated in line with the food price crisis of previous years and has its particular characteristics in Latin America, including in Ecuador.  This phenomenon, also known as "land grabbing", represents and involves clear Human Rights violations, specifically including violations of the Right to Adequate Food. The document gives account of the Ecuadorian provinces that feature a prevalence of large scale agricultural property acquisitions, and areas with high presence of the agro industry, which is dynamically moving towards export markets, mainly in the sugarcane, banana, and palm oil business. Moreover, this report delivers specific recommendations to public officials in order for them to be able to comply with their Human Rights obligations and voluntary commitment enshrined in the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure for member states of the FAO.

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