Donor engagement with rural youth

The publication aims at giving an overview of how donors engage with youth. The compendium is also meant to inspire and support discussion on design and implementation of the ARD interventions that contribute to rural youth empowerment. Many donors/IFI are engaged with rural youth in various ways. Members of the platform are increasingly prioritising youth employment. The diversity of youth and the realities they face require considering different pathways to rural youth employment. Beyond employment, the question of rural youth empowerment includes dimensions such as political and civic engagement, self-confidence and ability to make choices and be heard, as well as access to land, finance, quality education and health, just to name the few. The compendium has been prepared in this context. It draws on direct interviews with 20 Platform members, as well as a desk review of documentation shared by members, recent publications and conference reports on the subject of rural youth and youth employment. Author: Maria Lee Published by: Global Donor Platform for Rural Development May 2018

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