Cities Alliance

The Cities Alliance is a global partnership for urban poverty reduction and the promotion of the role of cities in sustainable development. The Cities Alliance partnership features a broad range of members, including: local authorities, national governments, non-governmental organisations, multi-lateral organisations, and Associate Members. For our current membership, please see Our Members. The Cities Alliance’s overall strategic objectives are to support cities in providing effective local government, an active citizenship and an economy characterized by both public and private investment. The Cities Alliance seeks to realize this goal by:

  • Developing and/or enhancing national policy frameworks to address urban development needs
  • Developing and implementing local inclusive strategies and plans
  • Strengthening the capacity of cities to provide improved services to the urban poor
  • Developing mechanisms to engage citizens in city or urban governance
The Cities Alliance partnership works through four business lines:
  • Catalytic Fund
  • Communications and Advocacy
  • Country Programmes
  • Joint Work Programmes
