German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

GLTN Partner
Funding Partner

Founded in 1961, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development “Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung” (BMZ) works to promote Economic Development within Germany and in other countries through international cooperation and development. BMZ is very involved in fighting poverty, eradicating hunger and disease, improving education, fostering democracy and peace, realizing human rights and equal opportunities, preserving the environment and its natural resources among others. Through the special initiative One world, No hunger “Eine Welt ohne Hunger , the BMZ is making the fight against hunger and malnutrition one if its key concerns.

One of the six key pillars of this initiative is “Secure and fair access to resources and land”. GLTN therefore recognizes this new partnership with BMZ as an added value to the GLTN, given the latter’s broad objective of securing land and property rights for all.