Lantmateriet, the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority.

Lantmateriet, the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, is a government agency in Sweden under the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation that provides information on Swedish geography and property. Surveying, mapping and land registration in Sweden dates back to the 1600s.

Lantmäteriet contributes to sustainable society-building and economic development by creating the conditions for:

  • building and developing real properties and society's infrastructure.
  • purchasing, owning and selling real properties.
  • searching, finding and using geographical information and property information.

The agency is responsible for property division in Sweden and provides society - public sector, trade and industry, and private persons - with information on the geography and real estate. Lantmäteriet maps the country, demarcates boundaries and helps guarantee secure ownership of Sweden’s real property. The agency also provides services for subdivisions or changes in land boundaries, handling applications for registered ownership and ensuring that registration of ownership is done in the property register.

Lantmäteriet is also responsible for:

  • Sweden's national geodetic grid, as well as providing support for satellite-based positioning and navigation. The national grid consists of points with accurately determined positions. The national grid points can be used as starting points for different types of measurement, such as for planning and mapping.
  • Establishing place-names according to a preserved place-name practice.