Legal Action Worldwide (LAW)

Founded in 2013, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) is an independent, non-profit organisation comprised of a network and think tank of prominent human rights lawyers and advisors. LAW provides innovative legal assistance to the least represented people, especially women and children, in fragile and conflict-affected states. The organization mobilises domestic, regional and global legal expertise to improve access to justice and obtain redress for people suffering from human rights violations and abuses. LAWs thematic focuses are gender-based violence and Housing Land and Property (HLP) issues. LAW has so far held two roundtables on increasing access to justice for HLP related disputes and violations in Somalia and is a member of the HLP Working Group in Mogadishu. The organization is currently working with UN-Habitat, operating under the Joint Programme of Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery (JPLG), the Benadir Regional Authority in Mogadishu and the Ministries of Interior in Somaliland and Puntland on a project addressing urban land dispute resolution. LAW has extensive involvement in addressing land disputes and land conflict in the Somali context and is currently in the process of expanding areas of operation and focus to include several additional countries in the East and Horn of Africa and the Middle East. For more information on Legal Action Worldwide (LAW), visit